Calls For Action
ACT NOW to Prevent a 42.2% Increase in Insurance Rates
Once again, the big insurance companies, represented by the NC Rate Bureau (NCRB), have submitted a request to NC Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, asking him to increase homeowners' insurance rates by a staggering 42.2 percent.
Even more troubling is the 99.4 percent increase for homeowners near the coast.
Hardworking North Carolinians have experienced too many requests from NCRB. These frequent requests, even if negotiated at lower rates, ultimately add up to overwhelming increases.
It is time to tell Commissioner Causey ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
With homeowners facing significant increases in property taxes, groceries and so many other necessities at an all-time high, our fellow North Carolinians are struggling.
Adding to this burden is unacceptable!
Please implore Commissioner Causey to reject this cash-grab on the part of insurance companies and to protect you and your clients. Click the "Take Action" link below to send a message to Commissioner Causey.
GRRA Notices
2/20/2020 4:00 PM Update: Due to continued inclement weather in the GRRA Office is closed for the remainder of Thursday, February 20th.
12/11/2018 7:24 AM Update: Due to continued inclement weather in Guilford County, GRRA will open at 10 AM today, December 11th.
The Ethics CE Class has been cancelled originally scheduled for today has been rescheduled for December 28th from 9 AM - 1 PM.
Please continue to check out website and social media for more updates!
12/9/2018 6:20 PM Update: Due to State of Emergency in Guilford County due to inclement weather, the GRRA office will be closed on Monday, December 10. Please check back for any additional updates as we know them!
1/19/2018 7:30 AM Update: Due to icy roadway conditions, the GRRA office will open at 9:30 AM. Please check back for any additional updates as we know them!
1/18/2018 9:30 AM Update: Due to slick roadway conditions, the GRRA office is now closed today.
1/18/2018 8:00 AM Update: GRRA Office will open on a delay at 10:30 AM. Please check back for any additional updates as we know them!
1/17/2018 9:30 AM Update: The RCRC Luncheon scheduled for tomorrow, January 18 has been cancelled. A reschedule has yet to be announced.
1/17/2018 8:20 AM Update: The CE Day with Mark Saunders Originally scheduled for Thursday January 18th has been postponed until February 14, 2018
1/17/2018 8:00 AM Update: GRRA Office will be closed today due to Inclement Weather. Please check back for updates as we know them!
GRRA Calls for Action
ACT NOW to Prevent a 42.2% Increase in Insurance Rates
Once again, the big insurance companies, represented by the NC Rate Bureau (NCRB), have submitted a request to NC Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, asking him to increase homeowners' insurance rates by a staggering 42.2 percent.
Even more troubling is the 99.4 percent increase for homeowners near the coast.
Hardworking North Carolinians have experienced too many requests from NCRB. These frequent requests, even if negotiated at lower rates, ultimately add up to overwhelming increases.
It is time to tell Commissioner Causey ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
With homeowners facing significant increases in property taxes, groceries and so many other necessities at an all-time high, our fellow North Carolinians are struggling.
Adding to this burden is unacceptable!
Please implore Commissioner Causey to reject this cash-grab on the part of insurance companies and to protect you and your clients. Click the "Take Action" link below to send a message to Commissioner Causey.
Triad MLS Member Benefit Partners

Below are a list of Triad MLS Member Benefit Partners:
Savvy Card®
SavvyCard® for Real Estate is an online lead development platform that automates Real Estate marketing and gets you leads - and we will be providing it to all our member agents, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST!
In Person Trainings on June 26, 2018 - Click to Register Your Attendance
9:30 - 10:30 AM at GRRA
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM at GRRA
2:00 - 3:00 PM at GRRA
We’re excited to tell you about a new addition to Matrix™ called ePropertyWatch™ that we’re making available to you. Best of all, the single agent package is FREE to use. If you’re frustrated by clients who forget your name, or find a new agent on a national real estate portal, then we think you’ll love ePropertyWatch.
Login to the TRIAD MLS Matrix system and go to ePropertyWatch widget on the Home Page. Simply click on the widget to get started.
Real Safe Agent
We are excited to announce that in order to keep you and your colleagues safe, we are deploying the Real Safe Agent System. Real Safe Agent is not a personal safety app, it’s a crime prevention system for the real estate industry that allows the entire real estate community to collaborate and cooperate to keep each other safe. Real Safe Agent will be available to download Monday, April 2nd! Click here for a video explaining the features of the Real Safe Agent system. We will also be offering training sessions for Real Safe Agent. To see a full list of available sessions click here.