For the Continuing Education calendar year of 2024-25, GRRA is offering free Continuing Education to our Primary and Secondary Agents. All Agents Must Preregister to Qualify! Non-Registrations, No Shows, Cancellation Less than 24 hrs in Advance, or Walk-ins will be charged the following: GRRA Primary & Secondary Members: $55.00, REALTORS of a Different Association: $65.00, Non REALTOR, Real Estate Agent: $75.00 **GRRA Requires 24 HRS Cancellation Notice**
Virtual CE Policies
CE Coordinator will monitor and enforce all attendance and participation Rule.58A.1705
established by NCREC.
Check-In Process
- GRRA will use the Zoom Platform for all online continuing education courses.
- All registrants will enter through Zoom’s waiting room portal providing their name, license number prior to entrance into the class.
Guidelines for Synchronous Classes
- All agents are required to register 24 hours in advance online via Greensboro Regional Realtor’s Association website
- GRRA will require all agents register by First, Last Name and Middle Initial along with their NCREC license number.
- The CE Coordinator will email all registrants twenty-four hours prior to the class date providing Zoom log-in, passcodes, online copy of course booklet. (URL) and the phone number to NCAR”s “Tech Hot Line”.
- All agents must use a camera-ready device.
- The CE Coordinator will verify registration roster against check-in roster to ensure reporting accuracy.
- Rosters will be uploaded and reported to NCREC within seven days.
- Course certificates will be emailed to registrants within 72 hours of course completion.